randy hurst - Profile

randy hurst
we went to see this orthodontist for a consultation for braces for my wife and paid him $80 for molds and xrays and $380 in advance for a "consultation" three weeks later. But we changed our minds about using him. However, his office was closed for 2 weeks for march break and we could not contact them. When it reopened and we cancelled he consultation, he refused to refund the money for the consultation that we did not want. We think he is unethical and i would not recommend him to anyone. He actually smiled when he told us to our faces that he would not return the money to us. It showed the kind of person he is. I admit i made a mistake in paying in advance for a service. It taught me a big lesson. Don't make the same mistake we did. We trusted him and it was a mistake.
4/6/2012 8:02:53 AM Report