Jessica Shirley - Profile

Jessica Shirley
I had my first smooth beam laser treatment and I did not see any noticeable results, in fact, I think I broke out even more. Well, because I managed to find a place to get the procedure done much more affordable then every place out there, I thought I would try a second round (I have mild acne that is mainly on the forehead and hairline from hormonal imbalance). The specialist told me that usually by the second treatment; a considerable decline in acne is achieved. Well, I didn't have much hope, but by golly, my forehead over a 2 week period COMPLETELY cleared up!!!!. It was also mentioned to me that those with more active and cystic type acne need more treatments to achieve results. Also, you MUST stay completely out of the sun unless you have a total block, or hyperpigmentation is inevitable. But thanks for taking care of me, looking forward for my next visit to ULTRA MEDIC LASER.
4/8/2013 10:16:37 AM Report