The SOD Boys

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7006 Shields Drive
Ottawa K4P 1A7
Phone number:
(613) 821-2777


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Company description
Finally, the lawn experts are here! We are your trusted lawn maintenance specialist, and we want to make your lawn flush and green! Through our hard work, proven system and scientifically backed methods we bring something which has been missing in all but the wealthiest lawn care projects- a personalized lawn care experience. Gone are the days of absent mindedly throwing more fertilizer, more seed and spraying the weeds down to no avail. If it didn’t work the first time, it certainly won’t the second or third time. By making use of the latest horticultural research, our soil technicians will work to balance your lawn's chemical constituents to provide the ideal growing conditions for the lush and beautiful grass you want. We specialize in sod installation, and make sure that it actually survives! With us, we get the job done right the first time!


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