Surrey One Percent Realty - and - Ron Learn

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5665 177B Street
Surrey V3S 4J1
Phone number:
778 808-4556


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Company description

Hello my name is Ron Learn! I am a 1 percent realty agent and work in the Surrey, Cloverdale and Clayton Area! I have lived in Surrey for over 30 Years and know the area well! At Surrey One Percent Real Estate, we strive to help our customers in every way we can. The Surrey Real Estate Market is always unique and fast paced. With over 30 years of Sales and negotiation experience I feel it made me the Ideal Candidate To work in the real estate field as a real estate agent! Please call me if you need a surrey realtor or have any questions about surrey real estate! If you are a real estate agent surrey bc I would love to meet you and work together! I enjoy working at one percent realty surrey because I can save my customers a lot of Money!


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