KIRKVIEW-Bestview(Scots for View of Churches)

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270 Edinburgh St, Peterborough, Ontario K9H 3E6, (DO NOT PHONE PLEASE)
Peterborough ON K9H 3E6
Phone number:
(705) 745-0337(DO NOT PHONE PLEASE)

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.Historical Home which fits the description of Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act and the neighbourhood does too published in Peterborough Examiner by A.G.Elliott. It was built for the niece of Mr. Belcher An architect who at that time in the late 1880s owned Smith Town Hill House, after he bought it off Mossom Boyd the original owner and built by Mossom Boyd, probably as a wedding present for her as she married a merchant by the name of Best, thus the name of Bestview. Kirkview came about as you could see at least three church spires from this house. There used to be a very high step out front made of very thick concrete which was used to get into the carriage before the city reconstructed Bethune in the late 1980s. There is a 1960's addition added on the back which makes good use of the old garage thus splitting the house into an upper floor unit and a spacious lower floor unit with a lovely fireplace. More of our Peterborough sites such as Smith Town Hill House, Braetop Cotage, Wall Of Honour, Boyd Parkette, Walkway Of Remembrance and Cenotaph 1929 here on Fyple. On the Birds Eye View it is the house immediately on top of the Braetop Cotage with the curved sidewalk, but Kirkview is right at the corner of the street. The roof is pitched very high as if the architect John E Belcher was trying to emulate the roof's of the church's that could be seen well from this house if there were very few trees at that time in the way of a view of the real downtown. Smith Town Hill has as many or more Ontario Historic Homes as the Avenues and is slightly older than the Avenues!


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