George's Mobile SnowBlower Lawnmower Service, "Home Service" 905-887-0188

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Emerald Garden Crt
Markham ON l6c1w3
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Company description

George's SnowBlower Repair "Home Service" 905-887-0188

NOW OFFERING Mobile Service to Your Home or Business, Why break your back hauling it to a repair shop and then waiting for weeks to pick-up. I come to you. How can you Lose.

All makes and models of Engines Serviced, Honda, B&S, Tecumseh, Chinese engines, MTD, YARD MACHINE, YARD WORK, TORO, HONDA, CRAFTMAN, BOLEN, If it runs on gas I can Fix-it.

Don't Throw-away your Tired Snow Blower I can fix it for Less vs buying a Used UN-Serviced Snow Blower that may Not last the Winter.

I will Fully Service your Snow Blower and make it run like New, All work Guaranteed for the Season "Not Just 30 Days"

I can also Repair your Lawn Mower---$120 plus Parts

Note: No Silly low prices just to get you in the door and then Triple the price, No Gimmicks No Nonsense, No From-To Prices, (No Inspection Fees) Solid Honest Service you can Depend On. 100% Warranty.

Warning Warning Read other peoples ads carefully they all state one price for This or one price for That or free estimate. No such thing as Free. Ask them for a price on a complete "full service" as I offer and their prices will change in most cases higher then mine Don't be Fooled Call a Pro and forget the Rest.

I perform all tasks at your home and you are welcome to watch and learn. How can you Lose

The Following Engine Tasks will be performed for $160 (plus parts 95% do not need parts) ($20 discount on second
SnowBlower or Lawnmower) Lawn mower Service-$120 or other gas powered units)

1) Fully Service the carburetor and adjust to factory Specs
2) Change the oil "I bet you never changed the oil"
3) Clean Spark plug
4) Engine will Start in 1 or 2 Pulls Guaranteed
5) Test Electric starter if equipped
6) 5-Minute Seminar, How to Look After the Blower and make it Last for years and years
7) All work Guaranteed for the Season not just 30-days

The Following Additional Tasks Included at no Extra Charge

8) Adjust & Lube all cables and Linkages
9) Adjust and Lube and Inflate Tires or Tracks
10) Adjust friction disk and set to factory level
11) Top-up Auger Diff with lube or gear oil
12) Inspect and Adjust all Belts (New belts extra)
13) Inspect Auger Sheer Bolts (New Sheer Bolts extra)
14) Replace any missing bolts
15) Run and Test Machine
16) 5-Minute Seminar, How to Look After the Snow Blower and make it Last for years and years
17) All work Guaranteed for the Season not just 30-days

--------------Buy Sell Trade Repair-------------

Note: I will not sell any Used Fully Serviced SnowBlower unless I am convinced it will last you at least 10 more years.

You are Looking at a Fully Serviced 30 Year Old SnowBlower and it Runs Like New

--------Call George 905-887-0188---------

Located: 2-Minutes from Woodbine & 16th, Markham


George serviced my Lawnmower and Snowblower more than 3 years ago and still working like new. As a bonus he may share a few stories while he is working. He will also walk you through on how to store and operate your equipment.
3/17/2022 9:23:22 PM Report

Google George's Lawnmower Snowblower repair and his ad will be at the top page and you can read many reviews his customers have written. Mostly 5's a Great person to do business with.
2/23/2019 11:48:21 PM Report

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