Don't deal with them - they have an balding Italian 5 ft 10 that I've dealt with in the past - never a problem - today I thought I'd buy some used electronic coils ( 12 ) - a first seamed normal ( look around , no problem ) - toward finishing looking was going to pay for them - this guy went psychopath saying he would not sell to me , mouthed off to me saying ( be nice ) - got the impression he was going to call police , who knows - I've never stolen in my life at 60 years old - this guy was screwed - a women on a computer turned her head around to see the issue coming about - basically I was booted out for " NO " reason - went to pick up my vehicle at a local repair shop on Minter Ave. - the guy there said to me locally he's heard similar stories from this business " Friesen Electric " of a nut-bar that works or owns the place - don't deal with them - I thought I insulted this guy in some way - he would not listen - obviously he has a MENTAL problem.