Expert Plumber Chilliwack

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45922 Higginson Rd, #C
Chilliwack V2R 2C7
Phone number:
(604) 990-2735

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Company description

Expert Plumber Chilliwack is the most reliable plumbing company in Chilliwack, British Columbia. We offer a broad range of high-quality solutions to meet your needs at every turn regardless of whether you need regular maintenance, replacements, or have an emergency. We can address a broad range of plumbing problems including basic plumbing for bathrooms to air conditioning, heating in addition to tankless water heater maintenance.If you're looking for the finest plumbing services available located in Chilliwack, BC, you've come to the right place! With decades of experience in servicing our communities in the area We're dedicated to keeping your property in top shape, safe and operational.Expert Plumber Chilliwack offers a broad range of plumbing services that will keep your site running well such as installations, maintenance, repairs, and replacements. We take excellent care of the people we work with from Chilliwack, BC, paying rigorous attention to detail to guarantee that all of your plumbing systems are functioning properly.


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