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Cameron - Profile

It has been my experience, as with several of my friends, who also have leased from Anglesey Holdings, that once you get settled in and learn all the ropes with regards to which days the garbage goes out and where the parking is that things settle into a smooth period of trouble free, tranquil living with some of the best maintenance and service we have experienced when living near the campus. At first you think, "Oh-boy, the lease has so many rules and conditions", and then you realize, "this is why my building is so orderly, well managed, and there are never any disturbances or out of control partying or drunkenness", because the management really cares and monitors the buildings and keeps everybody safe and well cared for! I have nothing but good things to say about the firm hand their management takes to ensure you don't regret living in their buildings. Apparently in the last year the management has changed and it is very friendly and easy to deal with on all levels now.
10/8/2013 8:18:00 PM Report